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  • DriveAliveApp
    May 4, 08:52 PM
    We do not plan to have this functionality right of the gate as we don't know how car insurance companies will feel about it just yet. However, it is definitely something we would like to implement if they feel it's safe enough to still qualify people for the discount. It would not be hard to update.

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  • Princess Leia Slave Costume

  • mcrain
    Mar 18, 09:18 AM
    The minimum wage in Missouri was a set number, until recently. The voters in Missouri voted for, and passed, a very popular initiative that tied minimum wage increases to inflation. The GOP, as expected, doesn't like this.

    So, instead of allowing something that the majority of voters in their state passed, guess what the GOP in Missouri want to do.

    "Take a 2x4 to Missouri working families."

    U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill (D) is definitely listening, as demonstrated when she scolded the State House, once again, for nixing a voter-approved initiative regarding the minimum wage.

    �First they hit Wisconsin, then Ohio and Indiana. Now the Republicans� war on working families has come to Missouri,� McCaskill wrote in an email to supporters. �Last week the Missouri State House voted to lower the minimum wage by repealing a massively popular, voter-approved initiative that linked minimum wage increases to inflation. That�s like taking a 2�4 to Missouri working families. We need to draw a line in the sand now as the bill moves to the State Senate.�

    The minimum wage escalator, which automatically increases the state minimum wage according to the price of goods, was approved by a large margin of voters in the year McCaskill was elected to the Senate.

    PoliticMo (

    Cue GOP supporters' claims that the minimum wage actually hurts the workers because their employers have to pay it, in 5, 4, 3, 2...

    kristen bell leia slave outfit. Princess Leia slave costume
  • Princess Leia slave costume

  • fehhkk
    May 6, 03:29 PM
    It's happened to me as well, for a couple times. Seems like either when the iPad goes to sleep, or the iPhone goes to sleep, the link needs to be re-established by turning off/on the personal hotspot feature.

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  • princess leia slave costume.

  • UTclassof89
    Dec 22, 09:48 PM
    We've all been there! :)

    kristen bell leia slave outfit. princess leia slave costume
  • princess leia slave costume

  • tjb1
    Feb 7, 12:37 PM
    Yes Flash is pre-installed, you can disable it or get a plugin to use it when needed.


    to disable it, or I just use "FlashControl" to use when needed.

    FlashControl -

    kristen bell leia slave outfit. Princess Leia Slave Costume
  • Princess Leia Slave Costume

  • crazycat
    May 4, 06:19 AM
    Is there anyway to download 10 files within a folder (.rar's) simultaneously using Transmit?

    I really love the client but for example if there is a folder on my FTP server that has 10 .rar's in it Transmit would download them one at a time, while Filezilla would download the 10 files at the same time. It is really annoying trying to download one folder with 50 .rar in it.


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  • Kristen Bell Yvonne Strahovski

  • jersey
    Jun 23, 07:00 PM
    You got PM.

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  • Kristen Bell keeps a fetus as

  • iBug2
    Jan 15, 06:57 PM
    Apple seeded 10.5.2 9c16 half an hour ago with some issues remaining to be fixed. I'm assuming 10.5.2 is not ready yet. So wait couple more weeks.

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  • Kristen Bell as Slave Princess

  • robvas
    Aug 16, 07:37 AM
    We had one of those in school at one point, I always really liked them for some reason.

    I got one for free 6-8 years ago, played around with it for a little bit. Would have been more fun if I had a bunch of old games for it.

    kristen bell leia slave outfit. 1) Kristen Bell – Leia Organa
  • 1) Kristen Bell – Leia Organa

  • designguy79
    Feb 2, 11:00 AM
    For your text ( #membershipcontent ), remove the "position: relative" and/or "left: 285px"

    Think of relative positioning as a "nudge" -- the browser does most of the rendering and then moves any elements relatively positioned by the number of pixels you tell it. In your case, 285px on the left which bumps it to the right.


    ~ Jeremy

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  • Terminator Slave Leia Costume

  • ChrisA
    Apr 11, 05:23 PM
    Hi there, thanks for the reply! This is definitely along the lines of what I was looking for, but it does look pretty advanced. I looked online but I couldn't find a good tutorial, it would be helpful if someone could help me come up with a quick command to batch create mp3 samples out of a directory of mp3s. That would be gold!:D

    There is a "sox-users" mailing list. It would be good to subscribe to that. Then try a few things and describe your attempts on that list. But don't ask "how to" until you can tell them what you've already read and what you've tried otherwise you will only get replies pointing you to the user level documentation.

    sox is a very simple command line program. You give it a command and a file and it writes the result to standard output where typically you'd pipe it to a file. To batch process and entire directory you'd place a sox command or several commands inside a foreach loop in a shell script. In your case you process a track first with a trim then the fade-in and then pie to a file. Get that to work them put a foreach loop around it

    kristen bell leia slave outfit. slave princess leia costume.
  • slave princess leia costume.

  • ftaok
    Jul 3, 09:11 PM
    daveman got it right. My iBook won't sleep when the scanner is NOT plugged it unless I close the lid or choose 'sleep' from the menu.

    With the scanner plugged in, my iBook will sleep if I leave it alone for 1 minute (that's what I have it set for in 'Energy Saver').

    Because I don't have my scanner plugged in all the time, I'd like to figure out what is causing this behavior. I'm assuming that it's the scanner driver that keeps the system awake when the scanner isn't plugged in. Maybe it's continuously trying to find the scanner and it doesn't give up.

    Has anyone heard of this kind of behavior?

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  • quot;Slave-Girl Leiaquot; outfit

  • vniow
    Oct 2, 01:09 PM
    Originally posted by ddtlm
    Where has this "7455A" idea come from? Link?

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  • Leia#39;s slave costume than

  • mad jew
    Dec 14, 10:33 PM
    Check out MacTracker ( It's a cool little app that tells you all sorts of things about Macs, past and present.

    Apparently it was a 5400RPM 60GB drive, with the option to upgrade the size to 80GB or even 100GB. :)

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  • princess leia slave costume

  • monke
    Oct 17, 08:11 PM
    Fixed spelling error's in new entry: here. (

    Thanks for the compliments. :)

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  • alessandra torresani slave

  • razorianfly
    Jun 22, 11:49 AM
    In an attempt to purchase the iPhone 3G on July 11th, I have decided to put my less-than-year-old iPod touch 16Gb up for sale, not only that but I'm also including Apple's Universal Dock. I originally said to myself I was looking for �195 for the iPod/Headphones/Leather Case/Box/Leads, and the dock was an optional extra at an extra �20, then I came to my senses a bit, as I was getting little if any interest in it, at that price.

    So, I'm now offering it up for �170 with the dock - any thoughts on this?

    This is the condition of the iPod in question:

    It has the Janurary Software Update, and by the time I sell it, I expect the 2.0 software update as well.

    Let me know what you think.

    I'm giving it until July 1st, then I'll hit eBay.


    kristen bell leia slave outfit. Kristen Bell – 5#39;1″
  • Kristen Bell – 5#39;1″

  • cmx08
    Oct 17, 10:20 AM
    I have a 7 years old Pro Monitor that has 5BNC, the workstation standard.

    my question is, the saturation of it and the sharpness are going south.

    Will a VGA (Video Card plug) to 5BNC (monitor) save it or the it already hit its lifespan?

    kristen bell leia slave outfit. Princess Leia#39;s Space Bikini
  • Princess Leia#39;s Space Bikini

  • macspam
    Apr 25, 09:15 PM

    Thanks! I agree, but I do not have a Core2Duo mac. I am the happy owner of a MacBook 1,1.

    kristen bell leia slave outfit. princess leia slave outfit.
  • princess leia slave outfit.

  • 173080
    May 2, 06:19 PM
    I use an Apple Pro Keyboard on my PC because I found it to be of much higher quality than the Logitech Keyboard it replaced. The keys feel much better and it looks nicer too. Since the Keyboard frame is clear I decided to put a Red Cold Cathode behind it so the edges glow red like optic fiber. :D

    Dane D.
    Jun 16, 07:10 AM
    Does it exist? If so, can someone give me a link? I'm getting a 233mhz G3 PM and want to put it to work.

    For a baseline I installed and ran it under OS 8.6 on a 8600/200 PPC. This computer did nothing but crunch for 72 hrs to complete one work unit. So it does work, just real slooow. By the way, your 233 Mhz will take about 24 - 26 hrs to complete a unit. I have a B/W G3/300 that takes 22 - 24 hrs per unit. I also run two G4/450 that are crunching for 12 -14 hrs per unit. My son runs a eMac 1.25 Ghz take crunches a unit in about 7 - 8 hrs. An observation, I think SETI runs better in OS X than OS 9, slightly faster I think. Try it, the worst that can happen is it won't work but try it. My 2 cents.

    May 2, 05:28 AM
    Been looking for my original iBook G4 disc for a while. Then I found all the original to find that when I boot it up, (yes I am holding c down) it gives me the blinking folder with a question mark and then the finder in a folder? Please explain!

    The iBook says apparently it is a DVD, and I am running 10.4.11 and the install DVD has 10.3.5 on it. I open it up when the computer is on and it says it has no items in it? How is this possible???? Please help, I don't want to give up on this poor little guy!

    Jul 11, 11:46 AM
    I was thinking about heading over to Stanford Shopping Center later today as well. If you find out any info about remaining stock, lines, etc., please pass it on. Thanks!

    Jul 1, 08:55 PM
    still for sale?

    Dec 23, 06:36 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148a Safari/6533.18.5)

    How much is that in dollars?

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