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touche amore live at wers

touche amore live at wers touche amore live at wers touche amore live at wers

touche amore live at wers touche amore live at wers touche amore live at wers

If you cannot be a poet, be the poem. ~David Carradine

Kindness, like a boomerang, always returns. ~Author Unknown

Freaks are the much needed escape from the humdrum. They are poetry. ~Albert Perry

I don't discriminate - I'm an equal-opportunity hugger. ~Author Unknown

What does a mama bear on the pill have in common with the World Series? No cubs. ~Harry Caray

My only feeling about superstition is that it's unlucky to be behind at the end of the game. ~Duffy Daugherty

You can't sit on a lead and run a few plays into the line and just kill the clock. You've got to throw the ball over the goddamn plate and give the other man his chance. That's why baseball is the greatest game of them all. ~Earl Weaver

They hover as a cloud of witnesses above this Nation. ~Henry Ward Beecher

Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build bridges even when there are no rivers. ~Nikita Khrushchev

When I glimpse the backs of women's knees I seem to hear the first movement of Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony. ~Author Unknown

High sticking, tripping, slashing, spearing, charging, hooking, fighting, unsportsmanlike conduct, interference, roughing... everything else is just figure skating. ~Author Unknown

The first step binds one to the second. ~French Proverb

Yes, this is what good is: to forgive evil. There is no other good. ~Antonio Porchia, Voces, 1943, translated from Spanish by W.S. Merwin

I have a wife, I have sons: all of them hostages given to fate. ~Lucan

A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying... that he is wiser today than he was yesterday. ~Alexander Pope, in Swift, Miscellanies

Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not. ~George Bernard Shaw

Somebody recently figured out that we have 35 million laws to enforce the ten commandments. ~Attributed to both Bert Masterson and Earl Wilson

I do not wish them to have power over men, but over themselves. ~Mary Wollstonecraft

Burke said there were Three Estates in Parliament; but, in the Reporters' gallery yonder, there sat a Fourth Estate more important far than they all. ~Thomas Carlyle, Heroes and Hero-Worship

Jealousy injures us with the dagger of self-doubt. ~Terri Guillemets

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